Building the project evaluation and funding function for a global humanitarian foundation
On behalf of an ultra-high net worth family, the challenge was to establish a team and processes as necessary to rapidly evaluate 700+ humanitarian project funding opportunities on 3 continents, without a degradation in due diligence depth. Our experts were responsible for an innovative learning experience that saw the creation of a temporary team of 145 graduate school interns, whose project due diligence efforts could be guided by a small team of full-time senior professionals. Evaluation processes were established, and through the application of standardized systems and methods, the application portfolio was processed through to a final funding budget in under 3 months.
Project management education foundation and the leadership of a global post-disaster project management methodology development
Following the South Asian Tsunami of 2004, our expert was recruited to join the Steering Committee for a global professional effort to support recovery and reconstruction in Southeast Asia. Working virtually with professionals from 14 countries, the challenge was to educate team leaders in post-disaster management settings. Utilizing case studies and personal experiences, our experts helped train, and then strategically direct the methodology development teams based on rare and hard-to-find best practice information. The work was published and is now in use in more than 25 countries around the world.
Establishing a national business association from the ground up in an emerging market
Over the course of 12 months, our experts lead the day-to-day effort to create a national franchise association in a country of 130 million, where none had existed previously. The work involved the recruitment and coordination of both international and local founding members, the legal formation, the planning and budgeting effort, and the revenue model development. The association was launched at the global annual industry convention, and remains a positive force 7 years on.
Post-disaster advance coordination framework development for global implementation in national recovery and reconstruction settings
Following the success of a prior engagement, one of our experts presently heads a Steering Committee on disaster response coordination, and helps guide an expanded international team of project management professionals working to improve coordination between international, national and government bodies during the response to major disasters. Part of this work involves serving as the primary link between the project and the disaster risk management industry, and the regular surveying of the industry's views and opinions on the framework and its development. A by-product of this effort has been the formulation of new volunteer care guidelines that reflect the changing attitudes and expectations of high-profile volunteers.