Leading during the Global COVID-19 Crisis
Preserving and protecting, while positioning and preparing for a strong return
Where we help:
Remote team management best practice guidelines
Start-up continuity
Business, customer, and market continuity
Workforce preservation strategies and gameplans
Remote team management best practice guidelines
“Managing through a crisis” Training
Executive, business, and brand decision-making support
Pivoting products, services & whole businesses
Shutdowns & suspensions
100-day restart and recovery plans
Legal situation analysis and contract re-negotiations
“It is commonly quoted that a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. For Grahampton, I prefer us to be optimists. I do not think we are of much use to anyone if we are anything else.
How Grahampton’s “Leading in times of crisis and challenge” is different
We grew up in challenging, crisis-like environments.
In 1991, Grahampton opened up international offices in Eastern Europe and soon after in Russia. For nearly two decades our focus was on supporting emerging market operations. We advised, helped run, and even ran companies outright for our investor-clients. We succeeded in most instances because our experts not only know how to survive but also thrive in complicated and thorny crisis-like operating settings that frankly, scared the daylights out of our client’s executives and boards.
We’ve done this job before. We fight. We never surrender.
Our capacity to lead in crisis settings is rooted in our Chief Advisors’ abilities to observe, assess, plan, organize, motivate and support decisive decisions quickly and with confidence. We have headed supportive efforts in exceedingly difficult settings where uncertainty, indecision, and game-changing events have occurred. Within our ranks are c-level leaders who have served as the “executive-in-charge” in two 1,500+ employee companies during COVID-19-like national crises.
We are experts at crafting and selling better futures.
For more than two decades, half of our work involved the application of world-class market research techniques to identify and evaluate market opportunities. We looked broadly and deeply to discover the “plays” that fit perfectly with an organization, its unique circumstance and particular market situation. It is the art of seeing and sharing a vision of a future that others cannot, that made us the advisors-of-choice for some truly transformative, organization-changing and even nation-change initiatives over the past three decades.
Riddle: What do you call it when…
What do you call it when you aren’t sure banks are working or if your suppliers actually will deliver? When your contracts may or may not be enforceable? When your managers are permanently stressed and frequently drinking? When your employees are even more stressed, and its unrealistic to assume they will all make it to work on any given day?
In Russia, do you know what we would call that?
To us, this sounds like just another day when you are the CEO, COO, or CFO of a 1,600+ person organization based in an emerging market.